
[Hegemony, hegelarian - political scientist, Hegel: "To synthesize a new order, it is first necessary to create opposites sides and then bring them into conflict." Hegelianism - the philosophy of Hegel, who maintained that every postulate or affirmation (thesis) evokes its natural opposite (antithesis), and that these two result in a unified whole (synthesis), which in turn reacts upon the original thesis.]

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

sometimes life is fair...sometimes it's unfair

the every hour struggle in the newsroom - chasing the news - especially the breaking ones; and then chasing the personalities.

people come to office at various shifts - but the core of gathering the news has a pool of people who remains awake to serve the network... but are they compensated of their worth?

to be continued.................

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

angst aired...

it saddens me that you have not been doing efforts at least to say "hi" to me and i had no idea for your sudden cold treatment. i sent numerous offline messages but no replies. fine, i thought you might be really busy. so on the 4th of July at exactly 1:02am, philippine time i texted you. still i felt i was taken for granted, coz there was no reply. and at 5:23am, philippine time - i received this annoying message from some erica luna - and who the hell is that? my gosh, it was a ridiculous idea to commune with me, like hello?! and how the hell was she able to get my precious number that i only give to important people. i felt insulted that my privacy wasn't respected.

i thought you knew me already, i was wrong. but you know what if indeed you wanted to irritate me, and you wish end it all between us, you just have to tell me "it's over" - that mere two words is enough than have some people bug me at 5 in the morning and act as if you're the only man alive we ought to chase for the rest of our lives. "Ang guwapo mo, grabe!" it's not my thing kase explaining myself to nobody about the "thing" that we have.

i expected a creative way. and if you might excuse, i'd like to apologize if i offended you in one way or another that might have caused you to act that way.

i am open for your explanation. but as i told you if you want something, you just have to ask and tell me.

au re voir.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


i feel so hopeless now, it seems that the cosmic elements does not conspire to ease my difficulties and let the good tidings rain. sometimes i want to give up the fight, and die instead. since i am ready to die anytime.

i am getting tired of everything... can i just severe my life? but this is not mine i believe so. i just hope i can still survive this feat.

i am also getting tired of r_m_ ; i am pissed off of his attitude of taking me for granted without any signs if he is still alive.



feeling hopeless...