
[Hegemony, hegelarian - political scientist, Hegel: "To synthesize a new order, it is first necessary to create opposites sides and then bring them into conflict." Hegelianism - the philosophy of Hegel, who maintained that every postulate or affirmation (thesis) evokes its natural opposite (antithesis), and that these two result in a unified whole (synthesis), which in turn reacts upon the original thesis.]

Thursday, April 27, 2006

scholarship in call center

scholarship in call center - from dean dela paz's column

i came across dela paz's column last april 27 in businessworld. somehow at one point or another, i seem to agree with dela paz's argument about how the government has been putting great emphasis in the call center industry - even giving support in programs that will enhance the student's, more so, worker's telemaketing abilities. thus, deteriorating their abilities on more important, relevant subject that would not only guarantee them with better career but sustainable one, that will not just answer to immediate needs. but then again, the government is more focus on such kind of solution - what the government pushes are the immediate yet not a sustainable solution to the needs of the people - which is also a practical way of easing the problem but not necessarily eradicating it.

we would understand why this kind of response to arising problem, time runs so fast nowadays that the what seems to be important is to give immediate solution to the problem. but they don't realize how much burden that the people are about to face in the future - what if this industry is no longer in boom? where would this speaking- american/british english- accent agent will go. will they be inept to lead the country? will they be able to provide solution to the deteriorating infrastructures? will they be able to heal the sick? will they stay there answering calls or marketing products they have not even touched and tried?

of course, that kind of job on one hand transcend the boundaries of age, gender, race, etc. but is it a worthwhile endeavor to grow and mature as an individual? to be skilled enough in battling with the challenges of the years to come?

indeed, the call center industry has been a source of big revenues for the government, but until when? we have to be realistic and sound in terms of setting out priorities to attain development. this country will not move forward if we will only hone telemarketers, and telephone operators. development is not defined by a mere increase in revenues, more jobs - it's about equity in all aspects - generation of sustainable jobs, infastructure, good governance, and quality life.


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