
[Hegemony, hegelarian - political scientist, Hegel: "To synthesize a new order, it is first necessary to create opposites sides and then bring them into conflict." Hegelianism - the philosophy of Hegel, who maintained that every postulate or affirmation (thesis) evokes its natural opposite (antithesis), and that these two result in a unified whole (synthesis), which in turn reacts upon the original thesis.]

Monday, June 12, 2006

i'm going to take it as a challenge

it was a great opportunity for me when i was accepted at the news but some people are so "whatever" - they won't stop pulling me down. i really don't know why they give a damn on me - i am such an ordinary individual. and worse these people have positions. why?why?why?

am i a threat? am i the kind who's gonna climb up the managerial position? and they are afraid of that? it would take years and i might not even be able to reach it, what if i suddenly change my mind and leave the country? i mean, a lot of things can happen. why are these people care so much where i go. can't they just leave me alone?

or, they are so pissed off that i was able to land a position at the news desk even if they kicked me out. one friend who used to be my partner at their program told me, maybe their ego was hurt because it was like a slap in their face that i'm still here and at the news.

i just wish they stop bugging me. i am no special and i will never rob them off their position. never.


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