
[Hegemony, hegelarian - political scientist, Hegel: "To synthesize a new order, it is first necessary to create opposites sides and then bring them into conflict." Hegelianism - the philosophy of Hegel, who maintained that every postulate or affirmation (thesis) evokes its natural opposite (antithesis), and that these two result in a unified whole (synthesis), which in turn reacts upon the original thesis.]

Sunday, June 18, 2006

taking the risk

once again banking on a risky relationship with a total stranger(s). they seem nice and well but i can sense how risky the matter is.

almost 5 months after the latest relationship ended - i was able to enter into one long distance relationship with a long time pal and another relationship with a person just nearby. but the long distance relationship has more weight than the near one because i can sense a good future with him while the near one seems a meantime thing - not for a long term.

just in time that i am slowly realigning my views in life, i am also playing with fire.

it was my choice but then again, at one time or another i am examining myself, "is it really me doing all those stuffs?" or is it the other "me?"

i may sound schizo but there are really two personalities playing up on me everytime i get into petty troubles with men.

i do not necessarily enjoy it but i can answer to it should be reprimanded, i know pretty well that it's my choice.

i brought myself into this soon-to-be-mess and well, whatever, i've got to be ready for all the consequences that may come along.


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