
[Hegemony, hegelarian - political scientist, Hegel: "To synthesize a new order, it is first necessary to create opposites sides and then bring them into conflict." Hegelianism - the philosophy of Hegel, who maintained that every postulate or affirmation (thesis) evokes its natural opposite (antithesis), and that these two result in a unified whole (synthesis), which in turn reacts upon the original thesis.]

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

update on date adventures

17 hrs ago i met up with the nightmare date i previously had and my gosh i learned that i was turned upside down by the girl who was in love with him. it turned out that she said so many bad things against the key which i allegedly said. of course the guy felt bad but he can't help coming back to me, maybe because he has not scored on me yet - mystery remains...hahaha

and i am not in the mood to spoil the msytery - let him live with that mystery.

on one hand, i was glad to have known his past why he became what he is now - but i do not fully agree with what he has done - especially the rigodon de honor of women, flings, and sex partners. but well, it was him. at least i was able to know that side of him.

he seemed a good man in a way, because i happened to meet his bestfriend who he had known since kindergarten and shared to me their pasts. i have come to understand him in a way but still i am not convinced why he did something really bad to himself.

well, maybe he's just enjoying my company and he also has some other motives why he continues his connection with me. maybe use me because i'm with the media, or for his satisfaction which is not going to happen though :)


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